Vintage poncho, Next jeans, River Island wedges, H&M hat, Vintage jewellery.
Ahh i haven't had
internet for over a
weeeek! How dread. These were taken on our last day in Milan which seems like forever ago now.
I'm back at university in Nottingham working my bum off like some kind of slave to fashion
marketing. Got a few exciting projects lined up though so there is much to be positive about. Although on the downside as mentioned we have no
internet or
tv in our flat yet. So Izzy and I mainly spend our evenings (or whats left of them after slaving away in
Bonington til a
ridiculous hour) staring each other in the face singing along to absolute radio. Talk about living the dream.
received some AMAZING jewellery from
theredhiney blog the other day. If you haven't checked out her handmade jewellery do so now it is
incred. Will post some of the pieces in my next post. Until then, muchos student slave love.
PS. If you're a student just drop out before third year, honestly.